Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I have been cornered by several people to open a twitter account. I was quite apprehensive due to the security and the feeling of someone "following" me; creepy.

After I set this account up, I realized what an amazing resource it is. I am following 4 people and 6 organizations. I am following Doreen, Sarah, Bridget, and Alicia. I am getting continuous updates from Trip Advisor, Zagat, Food Network, Wall Street Journal, NPR, and BBC world.

I have already received a recipe of the day from Food Network. Sweet!

This is pretty neat. I'm wondering if I should ditch my Facebook account. Is it possible to have so much time to take part in these social network sites on a daily basis?

As far as using it in a school setting: my students have asked me (on more than one occasion) if they can tweet during our live show. Most news organizations provide this service to their audience members; and discuss the tweets they receive instantaneously . Because I do not know much about the safety of it and phones aren't allowed in classrooms, I do not yet allow it. After participating in this activity, I feel I can have a meaningful conversation with them and talk with Doreen and John P. about the possibility of allowing students to tweet during a show (with a class twitter account, of course)

DePaul has a semester course for their journalism students just on Twitter and how to provide instant news to your audience. Convergence journalism has finally evolved. Having the students take part in it during their high school education gives them an edge up when they get to college.

My Twitter name: pkady

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