Thursday, January 28, 2010

Creating a Website

I have built web pages in the past (using Microsoft FrontPage and Adobe Dreamweaver). Although both of these professional software programs are quite complicated, I would have to say that I would rather work with them than these free websites!

I took a great deal of time to play around with Weebly.

Likes: It's an easy set up, you have a free domain name, templates are available to you, new page inserts are easy to add, and there is a variety of different elements to choose from. It would be a great place for students to create a website or digital portfolio. Love how you can easily insert a YouTube video or Poll Daddy poll. It is a very simple process.

Dislikes: I couldn't figure out how to add html links, tags, or link a newly created page from a word on my home page. You cannot modify the template photos or styles once you choose one to work with. It's free until you want to add video to the site, then you have to pay a fee. The snap to "wherever" doesn't allow you to freely move your content around. It took me more than 30 minutes to set up my home page; btw, there is only a few lines of text and a divider box on my homepage. Too many issues with trying to delete a content box.

Maybe, in order to have the free domain, I would create my site in Dreamweaver, copy and paste the html text into Weebly and then it may look good. I'm not sure if that would even work. When I try it, I'll post to let you know.

Here is the website I made for this blog:

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